Dabur Stresscom (Ashwagandha Capsules) - (120 Caps)

The data sheet of this product was originally written in English. Below you will find an automatic translation into German. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Stresscom is an Ayurvedic anti-anxiety, stress and fatigue medicine that helps relieve stress, general weakness, fatigue, anxiety, neuroses and premature age-related syndromes etc. to alleviate. The capsules contain ashwagandha, an effective anti-stress agent and one of the most effective adaptogens, as recommended in Ayurveda.
Stresscom is an Ayurvedic anti-anxiety, stress and fatigue medicine that helps relieve stress, general weakness, fatigue, anxiety, neuroses and premature age-related syndromes etc. to alleviate. The capsules contain ashwagandha, an effective anti-stress agent and one of the most effective adaptogens, as recommended in Ayurveda.
Country/Region of ManufactureIndia
Number of Pills120