«And there will be spring!» with 5 signatures


Igor Smelyansky - director of Ukrposhta

Natalia Mukhina – head of the Ukrposhta philatelic production department.

Sevgil Musayeva - is a Ukrainian journalist from Crimea, Ukraine, chief-editor of internet publishing Ukrainska Pravda

Vadim Olegovich Sukharevskyi - is a colonel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (since February 2024).

Sukharevsky's deputy


«And there will be spring!» - With this postal issue, featuring the best war-time photos, Ukrposhta honors heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people in the war against Russian aggressors, which has been going on for 10 year.

            The iconic photograph of the war launched by russia against Ukraine in 2014 with occupation of Crimea belongs to Kuba Kaminski/PAP. The Polish photographer miraculously managed to hide the photo of the seizure of the Belbek airport in Sevastopol from the russian invaders, thanks to which the whole world saw this photo.

            A warrior in the light of the sunrays is a legendary self-portrait taken at Azovstal by its defender with the call sing “Orest” Dmytro Kozatskyi in May 2022 during the heroic defense of the “Mariupol fortress”.

            At the photo of Serhiy Bobok/AFP, there is a fragile moment of love: volunteer medics at a wedding photo shoot at the yard of a house destroyed by russian missiles in Kharkiv, in spring of 2022.

            A photo of the hands of the 28th Brigade infantryman with the call sign “Snizhok” was taken by Maxim Dondyuk a few hundred meters from the enemy trenches near Bakhmut in Murch 2023.

            The photos reproduced on the postage stamps have won prestigious awards: “Captire of Belbek Airport” won the first prize in the Grand Press Photo 2014 competition; “Light Will Win!” and “Love Can’t Be Stopped!” were included in the list of the best photographs of 2022 according to The Guardian newspaper, the photo “Hands of a Soldier” was included in the Top 100 Photos of 2023 selection according to Time magazine.


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