Our Land of Shamrocks Irish Breakfast Loose Leaf Tea container is crafted from durable tin ensuring both a delightful sensory experience and long-lasting preservation of its contents. Its sturdy construction provides optimal protection against light, moisture, and air, safeguarding the tea's freshness and flavor for extended enjoyment. This invigorating blend of black tea sourced from the finest teas promises a bold, rich flavor with hints of maltiness and a brisk finish, perfect for a revitalizing morning brew enjoyed hot with milk and sugar. Adorned with charming Land of Shamrocks design, including intricate Celtic knotwork and shamrock motifs, the tin doubles as a decorative keepsake, symbolizing luck and unity. Beyond its contents, the container serves as a versatile souvenir, ideal for repurposing as a caddy for loose-leaf tea or small items, perfect for tea enthusiasts and admirers of Irish heritage.