Invigorated Water is an international team that works on optimising people’s health and lives by providing them with clean water supplies that are available to all. Our mission is to help people lead invigorated lives through conscious, dedicated actions and education on how to live life clean and simply. We want to empower people globally by delivering clean, healthy, alkaline water that is accessible to everybody.

Our goal is to provide the world with the best quality products, that do not only look good, but do exactly what they promise - provide clean, healthy, alkaline water anytime, anywhere. We work hard on improving and expanding our range constantly, working with the best and learning from the best in order to meet and exceed your expectations.

This brand is made for people who, like us, enjoy the good things in life, value their health and wellbeing, love helping others and are conscious of looking after our beautiful planet. People just like you!

Be a part of Team Invigorated!

INVIGORATED WATER pH REFRESH  alkaline water filter pitcher UPC 760625671268 PH001 UPC 634211891180

Why does remineralized alkaline water taste different?

High alkaline & remineralized water generally tastes silky & smooth, much more clean and pure than standard potable water. But for some there may also be a different taste which takes some getting used to. This is due to the high pH level and minerals and trace elements present in our filtered water. When first starting to consume remineralized alkaline water, it may trigger a detox effect in the body, hence the odd taste. Simply start slowly by drinking a cup a day, then 2 cups a day, working your way up to full consumption as the taste improves.

Why does filtered Invigorated Water show a high TDS?

There is a general misconception related to TDS, where many have been told that 0 TDS is what is desirable and healthy. This is incorrect in our opinion. 0 TDS may be stripped of any bad chemicals, but it is also stripped of all the good stuff, like natural minerals and trace elements.

Invigorated Water PH001 UPC634211891180 PH002 UPC 760625671459 alkaline water ultrafiltration filter