Refrigerator Aventurine(Quartz) Cabochon on a Mahogany Wood Base 3x2 inch

Fridge Magnet

As word of Magnet Magic spread, refrigerator magnets became more than just decorative items.
They became tiny works of art that put a smile on people's faces every time they reached for a snack or left a note on the fridge.
Families gathered around the refrigerator, showing off their favorite magnets and telling stories inspired by their designs.


The name "Aventurine" is derived from the Italian word "avventura," which means "by chance" or "accidental." The stone got its name due to an accidental discovery and the subsequent manufacturing process used to create its unique appearance.

In summary, Aventurine got its name from the accidental discovery of Aventurine glass by Venetian glassmakers in the 18th century. The concept of Aventurine was later applied to natural minerals like quartz, which contain mineral inclusions that give them a similar shimmering effect. Natural Aventurine is found in various locations worldwide.



Aventurine is a type of quartz that is known for its translucent to opaque appearance and its shimmering or sparkling effect caused by the presence of mineral inclusions. Here are some of the properties associated with Aventurine:

It's important to note that the metaphysical properties of gemstones are based on beliefs and experiences, and individual experiences may vary. If you're considering using Aventurine for its metaphysical properties, it's recommended to choose a stone that resonates with you and cleanse it regularly to maintain its energy.