  • MITE REPELLENT - The mite spray effectively fights allergens from mites. It prevents the inhalation of allergens from your mattress and bedding. Ideal complement to allergy-sufferer bedding.
  • UNIVERSAL PROTECTION - The spray is effective against allergens found in the household. This reduces allergy symptoms of hay fever, allergies to mites, dogs and cats.
  • EVERYWHERE - The anti-mite spray can be used on mattresses, sofas, couches, pillows, beds and anti-mite bedding. It does not leave any stains or residues.
  • EXTREMELY EFFICIENT - You can protect up to 20 mattresses or 40m of surface area against mites with just one bottle. Long-term anti-mite protection for up to 6 months after a single application.
  • EFFECT CLINICALLY PROVEN - According to a study by the Medical University of Silesia, 89.1% of patients with suspected house dust mite allergy noticed a significant improvement.