RS Dent Standard Platform Analogs

RS Dent standard platform analogs used during manufacturing of the laboratory prosthetics to replicate the position and shape of the fixture platform.

RS Dent fixture analogs are specially designed to duplicate perfectly the exact location and morphology of a fixture.

RS Dent analogs are distinguished by undercuts and anti-rotational grooves and come in matching diameters with major Int Hex Connection Systems in the market.

RS Dent analogs provide a definite location of the fixture in the oral cavity for work in the lab.

We use only the best raw materials for our prosthetics and fixtures.
For analogs, we use the best titanium from North America and Canada that is used in aircraft hydraulic systems, medical fixtures, offshore drilling rig components, subsea equipment, and marine and chemical processing plants.

These adapter heads are made from a Grade 23 Titanium alloy.
Grade 23 titanium, in particular, can develop high fracture toughness through a special milling process and heat treatment. This makes it an ideal material for dental fixtures. Like all titanium, it still provides incredible strength and durability along with a resistance to corrosives like acids and gasses.

  • It is lightweight.
  • Provides great strength.
  • Has an outstanding corrosion resistance.
  • Fully bi0compatible and accepted in all medical fields.

We are taking the manufacturing process of all our prosthetics with a great responsibility.

We use the newest Japanese CNC machines.

The important stage of manufacturing is the advanced electron beam technology.
RS Dent uses E.B technology to remove all the defects and all forms of recycled scraps and scratches, to make the best prosthetics that can be.

The final step before releasing the product to the market is we check every product very carefully. Only then we can release the product to the open market.