Farrow & Ball Estate Eggshell
750ml Tin 
Colour - Inchyra Blue No. 289
Durable Silk Finish for Exterior Woodwork & Cabinets

Product information
This Inchyra Blue No. 289 silk sheen estate eggshell paint has been specially designed to give a durable and long-lasting finish on a range of surfaces. Simply apply 2 coats with a brush, roller or spray and leave for 2 hours to dry - a great way to give the surfaces additional protection. Covers up to 30m² per 2.5 litres on average.

Instructions for Storage - Protect from frost & extreme temperatures.
Best used within 6 months of purchase.
Features and benefits
Silk finish (20% sheen)
Washable, wipeable and child safe
Eco-friendly, water-based formulation with low VOC content
Low odour
Quick drying