This John Richmond print is a limited edition of only 10 prints so rare find, which is why i bought it in the first place-along with the fact i like his clothes. The piece has been signed by the artist and  I've no reason to think its not him, who signed it. I cannot find another on sale anywhere, so either they don't come up very often because its rare, or its a very clever hoax- and I've been had?

I have the receipts of my purchase-from a house clearance company in London, from a few years ago, but no COA, all they could tell me was that it was from a house where that person had died and who was  someone 'of note' was how they worded it.

Its the  Destroy Disorder  Disorientate motif and highlights the punky rock n roll themes that inspired him-see photos.

I'ts very large-48" x 48" approx  so a 'statement' piece. and quite heavy, so not posting out anywhere. I had it re-framed, and cleaned up but the 'gallery' who did the job, removed the gold sticker that had an Italian address on it-then she had the nerve to say she didn't remove it-fuming !! 

I had it reframed/reglazed with perspex to make it lighter as it fell off the wall (-all lathe and plaster at old place! ) all in all i've not had much luck with it ! coupled with a down size mean its got to go-collection in person only, so you can inspect it to your hearts content, I'll take half the transport cots off the price on proof of petrol receipt on the day of travel.