Product Description

NBA401 1600W Peak (800W) RMS N-Series Class A/B 4-Channel Amplifier

The NVX NBA401 is categorized as a Class A/B amplifier. This class of amplifiers combines the high efficiency of a class A amplifier and lower distortion found in class B amplifiers. The class AB amplifier acts more similarly to a class A amplifier by biasing both transistors so they become active when the signal is close to zero. As the signal excursion increases into a larger waveform, only one transistor remains active, a primary function found in class B amplifiers. These features combined with the MOSFET transistor allow the NBA401 to be one of the most efficient amplifiers on the market. The NBA401 also features three-way protection circuitry which protects against thermal, overload, and speaker shortages. This configuration increases the longevity of both the amplifier and entire speaker system.

While other amplifiers on the market inflate their specifications, the NBA401 is tested using the Consumer Electronics Association’s ratings test. This means that all specifications listed for the NBA401 are accurate for peace of mind. The NBA401 also uses threeway protection circuitry, protecting not only the amplifier, but the entire sound system from thermal, overload, and speaker shortages.

General Features

  • Class AB 2 ohms Stable 4-Channel Amplifier
  • Total RMS power output: 800 watts
  • 4 ohms: 135 watts x 4 channels
  • 2 ohms: 200 watts x 4 channels
  • Bridged, 4 ohms: 400 watts x 2 channels
  • CEA-2006 Compliant Amplifier
  • 3-way protection circuitry (thermal, overload, and speaker short protection)
  • Pulse Width Modulated MOSFET power supply