DELICIOUS RECIPE Green Onion Bulgogi Ingredients 300g of pork (shoulder meat), 100g of Woori Cham sauce, green onion, Shiitake mushroom, sliced green onions How to make 1. Put pork into a bowl and add the Woori Cham sauce and marinade it for 30 minutes. 2. Prepare onions, green onions, and shiitake mushroom by slicing them thinly. 3. Add marinated port to the heated pan and cook it until the color turns brown. 4. Add the prepared vegetables and stir-fry again. Use a torch to add smokiness. 5. Add Woori Cham sauce to sliced green onions and mix well. Finish by plating it together with meat. Pickled Vegetables Ingredients Radish, cucumber, green and red chili peppers, chives, onions, Woori Cham sauce How to make 1. Please, sterilize glass jar with boiling water beforehand. 2. Dice radish, cucumber, onion, slice green and red chili peppers. 3. Cut the roots of the chives into 4~5cm size. 4. Fill up the jar with the vegetables, and lastly put in sliced chives. 5. Pour in Woori Cham sauce up to the brim. 6. Cover with lid, keep in refrigerator for 24 hours and the recipe is complete!