20-30 mmHg Firm Compression

As the most frequently prescribed compression level, 20-30 mmHg compression stockings are used to prevent and treat a variety of mild to moderate conditions, such as edema, varicose veins, deep vein thrombosis, and post-sclerotherapy.

20-30 mmHg compression is often referred to as Class Ⅱ or firm compression. For the millions of people who suffer from venous disorders, 20-30 mmHg compression socks help promote venous blood flow, as well as prevent and relieve painful symptoms.

Who Uses Them?

People with or at risk for circulation problems, like DVT, varicose veins, or diabetes

People who've just gotten surgery

Those who can't leave their bed or have a hard time moving their legs

People who stand all day at work


Pregnant women

People who spend long stretches of time on airplanes, like pilots

What Do They Do?

The pressure these stockings put on your legs helps your blood vessels work better. The arteries that take oxygen-rich blood to your muscles can relax, so blood flows freely. The veins get a boost pushing blood back to your heart.

Compression stockings can keep your legs from getting tired and achy. They can also ease swelling in your feet and ankles as well as help prevent and treat spider and varicose veins. They may even stop you from feeling light-headed or dizzy when you stand up.