Antique 1904 Photo Independence Missouri Original one of a kind photo - amateur photographer

This is an antique black and white/sepia toned photograph of a stream and a small canyon or glen near Independence in Missouri, USA. 

Size: 8.7cm by 8.4cm, almost square

Date/Age: Dated to 1904 from a message at the back.

Front of Photo: A stream runs through a glen or a small canyon. This has been identified as being near Independence in Jackson County, Missouri.

Back of Photo: Written at the back is the following “Rocks & Glen with small stream of water running through near Independence, Missouri USA - Usual haunts of Wolves & Rattlesnakes - Photo by D.B. Davis in 1904”. This has been written most likely by Dennis Barnes Davis, the photographer born in England in 1852, he emigrated to the USA in 1879. He married Mary Cain in 1888 and he died in Independence, Missouri in 1935.

Provenance: This is from the estate of Mrs Josie Hoyle (1878-1973) of Ballsbridge, Dublin who was born in Warwickshire. She was a niece of the photographer Dennis Barnes Davis.

Studio: I believe it was self-developed in a home studio, as there is no print or stamp for a studio on the back.

Paper: The paper this is on is quite delicate and thin, not like the usual stiff card for a photo of this period.

Photographer: Dennis Barnes Davis, a traveling salesman was born in England in 1852. He emigrated to the United States from England in 1879. He married Ohio born Mary Cain in Ohio in 1888. Around 1903 the family moved to Independence, Missouri and he died there in 1935.

Condition: In my opinion it is in very good condition. Please examine the photographs to determine the condition for yourself. There is a small diagonal bend in the photo bottom right corner. Not very obvious.

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Seller Ref: 11 +3