
This is a Chinese canton made pot. Pots from this era, 50-80 years old, are generally very heavy, thick walled, often wonky (with a little wobble) but they hold a lot of character from old times. Certainly much more affordable than nakawatari era Chinese pots.

They always seem to have some sort of issues, and I’ll be sure to make remarks on those below. Please ask questions if you have them. One day, these will be much more expensive as less and less antique Chinese pots come to the consumer market for us in the west.

-like most cantons, there are issues and this one is no exception. Clearly it’s been used for decades without issue. Cantons are tough thick walled things. Few chips and cantons always seem to have some degree of wobble. Various small chips and firing fissures in the clay.

The key with cantons; forgive their issues.

And, the positive part of this piece is the glaze variation which is excellent and beautiful alone with rarely being seen in these old cantons.


Matt Ouwinga


Pot size, in inches

16 1/2 wide

12 3/4 deep

2 7/8 tall

Please see my other new additions in my store  I will be putting new (old) pots up as time allows me to.

thank you.
