Unusual set of salesman sample buckles still set on original cards - buckles only have one of each design - so obviously the cards were meant for ordering purposes only

Each buckle is different - there was clearly a lot of thought gone into design of these - they are very nicely made items

It’ would be a shame to use them - they really warrant going into a costume / vintage clothing accessories museum as there can’t be many of these sample cards left around

There are two companies with most of the cards being

W K Chandler and the other being John D Young - both companies based in Boston Mass

The buckles are all small in size measuring on average 10mm - 20mm each

One card shows a date of 1932

Some of the cards have cut out corners or are torn accross the middle hence being only half a card

Not all the cards are complete - some have missing buckles

I think these were designed as children’s shoe buckles although obviously could be used for other items such as watch straps etc