Law Of Attraction can literally get you whatever you want (with good intentions) in life meaning all your dreams can and eventually will come true once People learn how to do it. The more far fetched the dream, the longer it takes to manifest but it will eventually manifest.

LOA has a lot to do with Faith but Faith is very misunderstood by most. If People did Faith right, they would basically attract all they want. Jesus actually gave many basic tips to the basic Hebrews from 2000 years ago but they are building blocks on how to basically attract anything you want.

After getting a Master's Degree in Psychology, I decided to continue studying psychology on my own until I came upon different materials on true Law Of Attraction techniques. I literally studied them for 10 years and continue to do so because there are so many variations on how this works. My job is to teach it to the student in the most basic way possible, which I already do now for many, so that the student can attract their dreams. It doesn't matter who does this because it works for everyone. Some may say, "I'm a timid old lady, what can I do?". I'd say the timid old lady has equal opportunity to use LOA as the young athlete.

You can have anything you want including abundance, the perfect spouse, the perfect job that expresses your personality, good physical and mental health, etc....

There are many techniques from attention to visualization to speech, to proper thinking to faith and on and on it goes. The more you align these things to your dream, the more your dream appears before you. If you do a half good and half bad job, your dream will only half way appear with the other half being some sort of distortion. All this is possible because the universe is actually a mental field meaning it's all happening in the mind.

This and many other things can be revealed to help improve your life and realize your dreams.

My insight into this stuff is far beyond most anyone you will ever meet and the stuff I teach will come across as things you never really thought of before. I can 100% confidently say I have never met anyone who knows more than me but I have heard of 1 famous person named Bashar who seems to know more.

I can do phone or zoom sessions. I love teaching People this stuff because it's fun to see the transformation of People who think they are powerless to realizing they are actually powerful but didn't know it.