This Collector's Edition book from Easton Press titled "The Red Badge of Courage" by Stephen Crane is a captivating read for enthusiasts of action and adventure. The book is printed in English and features Smyth-sewn pages for extra durability and strength. The cover is made of premium leather and designed distinctively, while the spine is hubbed and accented in real 22kt gold. The book is also illustrated by John Steuart Curry with beautiful illustrations, and the page edges are gilded. The endleaves are made of silk moire and the paper is long-lasting and acid-neutral, making it a must-have for any book collector. 

During his brief lifetime, Crane was declared by contemporaries, "one of the clearest cases of genius in American Fiction."  Published in 1895, Red Badge's story would fit almost any common soldier in almost any war.  This work is the masterpiece of deliberate finished art, bright, fresh and honest.

This like-new copy will be a stunning addition to your collection of classic American Literature.