B-Cure Laser Pro - medical laser and holding arm. 

I've had it in the cupboard for ages it was opened and tried but I never got around to using it as I ended up having surgery.

RRP £799. 

Includes the holder for it. 

Details from the Website: 

The B-Cure Laser uses low-level laser therapy (LLLT), a non-invasive method proven to accelerate tissue repair and reduce inflammation. This therapeutic technique, also known as photobiomodulation (PBM), cold, soft or phototherapy laser, employs low-level lasers to stimulate cellular activity at the molecular level.

B-Cure Laser in acute pain and chronic pain treatment

Pain can be categorised into two main types: acute pain and chronic pain. Acute pain is a sudden and typically short-term discomfort that occurs in response to injury, surgery, or specific medical conditions. It is a type of pain that often serves as a protective mechanism to alert the body to potential harm or injury.

Chronic pain, on the other hand, refers to persistent or long-lasting discomfort extending beyond the normal healing time, usually lasting more than three to six months. Musculoskeletal conditions such as arthritis, back and joint discomfort and inflammatory diseases often contribute to chronic pain, transforming it into a complex medical issue. Many people who live with long-lasting pain, also experience stress and depression, which can exacerbate the perception of pain.

Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) has proven an effective treatment for both acute and chronic pain. For acute pain, laser therapy may assist in reducing inflammation, improving blood circulation and accelerating the healing process after injuries or surgeries. In the case of chronic pain, the B-Cure Laser provides relief by stimulating cellular activity and supporting the body’s natural healing processes.

How does B-Cure Laser work?

Unlike other products on the market that offer generalised relief, our device treats the affected area directly. The device emits a low-level laser beam in the range of 1-1000mW. It is a coherent monochromatic beam of light with one defined wavelength that moves in one phase and in one direction to stimulate healing and provide swift and effective relief from pain.
Being an LLLT-based device, the B-Cure Laser exerts photochemical effects rather than thermal effects on living tissues. It works on the skin surface, while simultaneously penetrating deeply through the skin tissue with no heating effect and without damaging the skin. Treating with laser light in this way promotes the accelerated production of ATP (Adenosine TriPhosphate). This process is called ‘biostimulation’.

Therapeutic effects

Therapeutic effects of low level laser light irradiation include the following:

Rapid pain relief

Persistent pain often results from nerve fibre pressure, causing swelling and inflammation. B-Cure Laser enhances blood and lymphatic vessels, aiding in filtering and cleansing the inflamed area. This reduces pressure on nerves, alleviating pain and promoting energy flow for healing.
B-Cure Laser is a safe, side-effect-free home therapy, effective on its own or alongside conventional treatments like physiotherapy.

Versatility in application

Whether you’re grappling with chronic pain conditions, sports injuries, or post-surgical discomfort, you can have confidence in the versatility of our portable hand-held laser therapy device to help you effectively manage the discomfort of a range of conditions.

User-friendly design

The ergonomic design is crafted for hassle-free application, ensuring easy handling and allows users to target pain areas precisely.

Clinical validation

Rigorous testing and scientific research support the efficacy of B-Cure Laser. Clinical studies have consistently demonstrated its positive impact on pain management and tissue repair. Indeed, many respected healthcare professionals who recognise the potential to revolutionise pain relief strategies endorse B-Cure products. The device has earned acclaim for its non-invasive yet potent approach to addressing diverse pain conditions.

Personalised pain management

B-Cure Laser empowers users with personalised pain management. The devices provide breakthrough laser therapy, offering the power of some professional lasers as used in clinics, in a lightweight portable device that may be used from the comfort of home. Regular use for 6-8 minutes twice daily can help you ease your pain in the comfort of your home.

The treatment is safe, effective and with regular use may provide lasting pain relief.

Compact and portable

The compact design and portability of B-Cure Laser is perfect for managing persistent pain and allow users the freedom to benefit from treatment wherever they go.

No protective goggles needed – Due to its innovative electro-optic mechanism and wide energy distribution, the device is safe for home use without requiring protective goggles for eye safety.

A new patented category in LLLT – The patented laser beam covers a coherent area of 4.5 cm² allowing the free flow of the laser beam.


The B-Cure Laser is a leap forward in the management of pain. Its innovative technology, validated by multiple scientific studies and user-friendly design, means you can take control of pain management anytime, anywhere.

Transform your approach to pain relief with B-Cure Laser – where precision meets innovation and discomfort becomes a thing of the past.

B-Cure Laser is an adjunctive treatment to the treatment recommended by your doctor and is not a standalone treatment.