Select Grade French Cross Trails
Qty 10 Beads
You are getting the beads in the photo. It is much easier to sell strands and we have all gotten strands that have quite a few broken or chipped beads. These are hand selected and the broken or badly chipped will be sold as a lot. 
This set of handcrafted Venetian glass beads features a beautiful French Cross Trails design in a vibrant shade of yellow. The intricate details and unique color make them a highly sought-after addition to any bead collection. These beads were crafted in Italy and are a testament to the expert craftsmanship of the region. The beads are perfect for jewelry making or as a collector's item. Each bead is handmade, adding to their value and rarity. Whether you're a collector or a jewelry maker, these Venetian French Cross trade beads are a must-have.
Penny is for size reference only.