Product name: Prostate Table

Product specification: 60 capsules

Main raw materials: ginger, maca, cordyceps militaris, yam

Shelf life: 2 years

Storage method: put it in a cool, dry and ventilated place

One of the leading health issues for adult men is prostate health. As men age, prostate problems may increase, So it is important for men of all ages to take prostate health seriously.

Positive and healthy methods and suggestions-Use prostate tablets every day.

This unique and comprehensive mixture of whole grass, vitamins, amino acids and zinc is now added with pomegranate and quercetin, which naturally support healthy prostate function, promote health and improve quality of life.

Special support:

Powerful herbal extract mixture to support prostate health

Prostate-supporting nutrient without preservatives for men

sage method:For adults, as a dietary supplement, take two tablets containing 8 oz water every day, within 30 minutes each time or directly before the main meal.