Written by Dr. Carl Louis Perin, this item includes two letters, one to Will J. Davis, a Chicago theater manager, and another to his wife, Mary Ellen.

Who is Perin? By 1910, Perin claimed to have predicted the death of Queen Victoria, the Paris Floods, the Chicago fire, to have spent several days at the Vatican as a guest of Pope Leo, who declared Perin the greatest doctor he'd ever met, and to have read president Teddy Roosevelt's palm in 1902. He claimed to have read the palms of Sarah Bernhardt, the Czar of Russia, Emperor William of Germany, Prince Henry, King Edward, the Emperor of Austria, the Shah of Persia, and to have received seventy-two decorations from European kigns and scientific societies, a collection worth $25,000. He spent heavily in advertising and made extravagent claims.

These letters appear to be from the early 1900s but have no date. Letterhead from The Gerard, a NYC hotel.

All ephemera has wear commensurate to age, including, potentially: nicks, folds, smudges, rips at edges, stains, old smells, rips at folds , holes, and other imperfections. You get what you see :)

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