Studies of the Research Institute for Hebrew Poetry in Jerusalem" – First Five Volumes – Berlin and Jerusalem

Language: First volume in German and the rest in Hebrew (with a little English).

Years: 1933-1939

Publisher: Schocken

Volume 1: Year: 1933, pages: 186

Volume 2: Year: 1936, pages: 391

Volume 3: Year: 1936, pages: 223

Volume 4: Year: 1938, pages: 304

Volume 5: Year: 1939, pages:308 

The "Institute for the Study of Hebrew Poetry" was founded by Shlomo Zalman Shoken in Berlin in 1930 (in 1934 he moved to Jerusalem), and its first researchers - Menachem Zolai, Haim Baradi, Haim Shirman and Abraham Meir Haberman, laid the foundations for the study of medieval poetry in Israel. The institute published seven research files under the name "News of the Institute for the Study of Hebrew Poetry", five of which we have before us (including articles and studies about Rabbi Elazar HaClir, Yanai [Yanai], Rabbi Meir Halevi Abulafia, and many others).

The Zionist tycoon Shlomo Zalman Shoken initiated a series of Hebrew cultural enterprises in his life, with the intention of taking a central part in the creation of a new Jewish-Hebrew culture; The "Institute for the Study of Hebrew Poetry", as Haim Brady writes in the introduction to the first volume, strove to restore the magnificent poetry of the Middle Ages to its rightful place in Hebrew culture, and to allow a new generation of Hebrew poets to draw from it in their writing.

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