Josephine Cox 10 Books Collection Set (Jinnie, Let it Shine, Love Me, Tomorrow the World, The Women, Looking Back, Somewhere, Miss You, The Gilded, Bad Boy)
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Josephine Cox 10 Books Collection Set (Jinnie, Let it Shine, Love Me, Tomorrow the World, The Women, Looking Back, Somewhere, Miss You, The Gilded, Bad Boy)

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SKU LWP12612
Title Josephine Cox 10 Books Collection Set (Jinnie, Let it Shine, Love Me, Tomorrow the World, The Women, Looking Back, Somewhere, Miss You, The Gilded, Bad Boy)
Author Josephine Cox
Publisher HarperCollins/Headline
Format Paperback
ISBN 9789123820863
Dimensions 23.80 x 19.79 x 12.98 cm

Dive into a captivating world of love, loss, and redemption with Josephine Cox''s 10-book collection. Across a range of emotional tales, journey through heartbreak, resilience, and the enduring power of love in these beautifully crafted stories.

Titles In This Set:
Let it Shine
Love Me
Tomorrow the World
The Women
Looking Back
Miss You
The Gilded
Bad Boy



Ten years ago, Louise Hunter''s life was torn apart by tragedy. Her husband, Ben, killed himself; her brother-in-law, Jacob, was murdered; and her sister, Susan, abandoned her new-born daughter, revealing the baby is Ben''s child.

Let It Shine:
Ada Williams once believed money and power would bring her happiness. But now she is all alone except for her greedy son Peter, who waits only for the day he will inherit her fortune.

Love Me or Leave Me:
Beautiful Eva Bereton has just three close friends: Patsy, whom she looks upon as a sister; Bill, once her childhood sweetheart, now married and living in Canada.

Tomorrow the World:
Bridget Mulligan loves her husband. He is caring, loyal and dependable - everything a woman could ask for. But she can''t quite forget Harry - the one that got away.

The Woman Who Left:
Louise and Ben Hunter''s loving marriage is marred only by their unfulfilled longing for a child.

Looking Back:
From the moment she learns of the stranger''s visit, Molly Tattersall is filled with a sense of fear.

Somewhere, Someday:
Barney craves adventure, and though he will always love Kelly, he cannot stay.

Miss You Forever:
At a glance, Kathleen looks like an unkempt, aged vagabond who tramps the roads carrying all her worldly possessions in a grubby tapestry bag.

The Gilded Cage:
The girl is now a young woman who, unbeknown to him, is determined to find the father that abandoned her.

Bad Boy Jack:
Unable to cope with raising his children alone, Robert Sullivan abandons them to others, until he has a change of heart and decides to go back for them.

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