Zeiss Ikon Contina 35mm rangefinder camera

Superbly made camera from Zeiss. Really heavy (530g) and solid. Much under-rated really because they are capable of taking excellent photos

Nobody, with the possible exception of Voigtlander, made cameras with this sort of build quality. The wind-on is really smooth and you get the feeling that this camera will still be working, long after we're all gone

Novar 45mm f/3,5 lens

Prontor SVS shutter. The speeds slower than 1/10 second are very slow. If you intend to use them, the slow speed mechanism needs flushing. This is a simple job.

The self-timer (V on the VXM scale) works

The light meter responds to light and gave an accurate reading for this morning's weather conditions but I would prefer to use a hand-held instead.

As you can see, some of the black paint in the lens barrel, where the DoF is displayed, has rubbed away. No doubt this is from repeatedly using a push-on lens hood.

The strap on the case has snapped at both ends and has been cobbled together from the pieces remaining