This play, Grendl, is published as part of the Bohemian Club of San Francisco's Bohemian Grove performances, which have taken place almost annually since 1878. The director and lyricist was Kenneth B. Baggott, the composer was Randol A. Bass, and the director was David W. Judson. The play was performed on July 26, 2019. 

The book, in addition to having the text of the play, has beautiful color drawings of the heroes and the monster. It also has a complete listing of the Grove Plays of the Past, from 1878 through 2018.

This Grove Play book was designed and produced by Wilsted and Taylor Publishing Services of Oakland in an edition of 2,700 copies. The text is set in Vendetta with Albertus display. The book has been printed by AMP Printing of Dublin, California and bound by Roswell Bookbinding of Phoenix, Arizona.