This is a set of 5 Robotech novels, in good shape with some wear:

Sentinels #1
It was 2020. Six years had passed since the destruction of the Super Dimensional Fortresses 1 and 2, that final tragedy of the First Robotech War. But Earth was on the mend now, and from the wreckage of those ships the Robotech Defense Force had succeeded in fashioning a new battle fortress -- the SDF-3. Its mission: to cross the galaxy and make peace with Tirol's Robotech Masters.
It sounded straightforward enough; but unknown to Admirals Rick and Lisa Hunter and their crew of thousands, the Robotech Masters were already on their way to Earth!
Nevertheless Tirol would have a greeting in store for the Expeditionary Mission: an incendiary salute from the warlord whose hordes had conquered half the galactic Quadrant -- the Invid Regent! Threatened with a swift and violent end, and suddenly torn by internal struggles for power, the RDF would find itself thrust into a savage war for survival!

Southern Cross #7
It is twenty years after the invasion of the Zentraedi was beaten off. Now the Robotech Masters of the Zentraedi have returned to Earth to finish the job. And only young Dana Sterling -- half-human, half-Zentraedi -- can save the Earth . . . or destroy it.

Metal Fire #8
An alien fortress had crashlanded on Earth. But the most recent arrival from the galaxy's more sinister side had been brought down deliberately. Now it sat silently overlooking Monument City, as though daring someone to penetrate its dark mysteries.

And who better to test the mettle of that ship than Dana Sterlings 15th Squadron ATACs -- after all, they had brought the thing down to begin with!

The mission read like a one-way ticket to doom; but for Dana it was a chance to get a glimpse of the glories of her ancestor race. And perhaps a chance to glimpse at the pilot of the red Bioroid who haunted her dreams -- an alien called Zor....

Here you'll find three ROBETCH novels for the price of one. Collected for the first time in one volume, you'll find GENESIS, BATTLE CRY, and HOMECOMING--three electrifying futuristic adventures that let loose the Robotech Defense Force against the most fearsome conquerers in the universe.

The End of the Circle
A Warp In The Space-Time Continuum...

The SDF-3 has remanifested from spacefold, but no one aboard has the faintest idea where they are. The ship appears to be grounded in some glowing fog, ensnared by light itself. Lang and Rem dub the phenomenon "newspace" -- but are at a loss to explain what it really is and who, or what, is keeping them there. For Lang, it seems like old times: The ship's Protoculture drives have disappeared.

But other events are transpiring, unbeknownst to the stranded crew of the SDF-3.

In Earthspace, the Ark Angel has been spared the fate suffered by the REF main fleet after the Invid transubstantiation. Vince and Jean Grant decide that the only logical course of action is to try and locate the SDF-3...

On Haydon IV, something has awakened the Awareness -- and a mysterious change comes over the Haydonites. Exedore and the four Sterlings suddenly find themselves imprisoned beneath the surface -- as the planet leaves orbit, destination unknown...

All of the pieces of this strange cosmic puzzle are about to come together...and the ultimate conflict is imminent. The question is:

Will The Universe Survive?