Vintage Tavern trade stimulator, which I believe was made by Groetchen in the 1930s. I am far from an expert on this machine, so please ask any questions or request more photos. This appears to be mostly original and is in good working condition. The back cover is definitely not original. It fits well but doesn't have the two prongs that go into the base so it's not a perfect fit. There is one key and it works as it should. The reels spin and stop as they should (see video). I believe this is missing the bottom of the gumball hopper, as the gumballs you see through the window are just for show (they are attached to a piece of cardboard). I assume it wouldn't be too hard to put a piece at the bottom of the hopper if you wanted the gumball part to work. The payout card seems to be very old and maybe original. There is no glass in front of the card (I'm not sure if there was supposed to be). The reels themselves also appear to be old and possibly original. All the paint looks very good on this, but I'm not sure if it's original paint or if it has been restored. Again, I'm not an expert on this so please ask any questions. This is about 12" high by 9" deep and 9" wide. It weighs about 11 pounds and will be very securely packed in a larger box, so shipping will be $39.99.