Naoki Urasawa's Monster - Complete Box Set  2004 15DVD Region 4 Siren Visual Entertainment  1850mins 

What would you do if a child you saved grew up to be a monster? An ice-cold killer is on the loose, and Dr. Kenzo Tenma is the only one who can stop him! Tenma, a brilliant neurosurgeon with a promising future, risks his career to save the life of a critically wounded young boy named Johan. When the boy, now a coldhearted and charismatic young man, reappears nine years later in the midst of a string of unusual serial murders, Tenma must go on the run from the police, who suspect him to be the killer, to find Johan and stop the monster he set loose upon the world. Conspiracies, serial murders, and secret government experiments set against the grim backdrop of the formerly communist Eastern Europe are masterfully woven together in the compelling work of suspense that is Naoki Urasawas MONSTER.

Special Features

  • Japanese / English audio
  • English subtitles

Shipping Charges

Single Item: $3.00 - Box Set $8.00 - Bulk $12.00

International: Single Item $8.00 Box Set $40