SimpleFOC Shield V2.0 Development Board for BLDC Servo Drive of Mechanical Dog


This is an open-source low-cost Brushless DC (BLDC) motor driver board intended primarily for low-power FOC applications up to 5Amps. The board is for Arduino UNO and all the boards with the standard headers for Arduino. The SimpleFOCShield, in combination with the SimpleFOClibrary provides user-friendly way to control BLDC motors both in hardware and software.


- Plug & play: In combination with SimpleFOClibrary for Arduino - github

- Low-cost

- In-line current sensing: Up to 3Amps/5Amps bidirectional. Configurable: 3.3Amps-3.3V adc, 5Amps-5V adc

- Integrated 8V regulator: Enable/disable by soldering pads

- Max power 120W - max current 5A, power-supply 12-24V (35V max). Designed for Gimbal motors with the internal resistance >10 Ωs

- Stackable: running 2 motors in the same time

- Encoder/Hall sensors interface: Integrated 3.3kΩ pull-ups (configurable)

- I2C interface: Integrated 4.7kΩ pull-ups (configurable)- Configurable pin-out: Hardware configuration - soldering connections

- For Arduino headers: for Arduino UNO, Arduino MEGA, STM32 Nucleo boards, etc.

- Open Source: Fully available fabrication files - how to make it yourself

New Features:

- Max input voltage 35V

- Simplified pull-up config

- Official Easy EDA project

Installation and Use:

- Clone the repository or download the zip file

- CD to the folder

- Run: pip -install -r "requirements.txt"

- Run: python

Package Included:
- 1 x Board
