I am selling one  used ticket stub  from The California Angles Game 5  1986  American League Championship  Series .   October 15th  Game 5 Boston defeated the Angels in 11 innings . Angel closer Donnie Moore was one pitch from sending the Angels to their first World Series ever . Dave Henderson hit a home run on the next pitch to put the Red Sox ahead. Angels tied the score in the bottom of the ninth . Top of the 11th inning , Moore allowed Boston to go ahead by one run. Angels lost and not only this game but the following two games and Boston went to the World Series instead of the Angels. The very sad aspect about this particular game was Donnie Moore . He was an excellent  relief pitcher . Moore was regarded as the goat of the series for giving up Henderson's home run and then the run in the 11th inning. Moore was blasted by the sports media , as well as the fans. He sank into depression and alcoholism over the next two years and committed suicide on July 18th 1989 .  It shows you how cruel people can be and have very little feelings for their fellow human beings . The Red Sox went on to play the New York Mets in the memorable 1986 World Series . Billy Buckner let a ground ball go through his legs that allowed the New York Mets to win the 1986 World Series . He was  blamed for years by both the media  and fans the same way Moore was . This is a rare and historical ticket .