Gula Melaka (Coconut Sugar)

get 1 random local dessert recipe when u purchase 1 unit of this item

this packaging consists of few coconut sugar in small round disc form individually that totalled up to make 1kg

this is a traditionally made sugar with no additional preservative and coloring. do take note that this sugar have some slight smokey bitter taste that gives off its unique properties to distinguish it from other sugar.

if u ever been around malaysia,than this is the sugar that malaysian people use a lot to include as flavor and color enhancer in their traditional recipe especially their nasi lemak chili paste or as you guys known as sambal

with 1unit purchase of this 1kg item,we will include one random special traditional dessert recipe along with the technique for you guys to try out with the purchased product such as:

- sagu gula melaka

- lompat tikam kuih

- kuih gula melaka

- kuih lopes

- ubi kayu sira gula melaka

aside from cooking,this sugar also a good substitute for sugar in your drink as it does not have any added chemical or bleach. for example if you like to drink organic soy milk made from scratch which have no sweet taste,u can add this sugar (melted first) to sweeten it up a little. or,of u like to drink milk tea,u can replace the white sugar melted liquid to melted coconut sugar.

feel free to ask any question

this product will be packed in a vacuum sealed packet to ensure the product will not be exposed to sugar loving insects.

you can rest assured of the quality of the sugar is 100% pure and organic.