This was my main bari piece for decades. I bought it directly from Charles Ponte in Manhattan . He was the US Berg distributor and had hundreds of bergs covering an entire wall. He liked me and put ten 130/2 and ten 130/1 in front of me and went downstairs. I picked a 130/2 which when measured later was actually 135/2  I was a strapping lad back then but 4 yrs ago I had John Reilly the mouthpiece Dr.  in LA take it down to 125 and add his baffle. The piece is exactly as it came from him and plays fantastic the baffle looks funny but it is great just like that,  Fat and beautiful tone with power and you can still T.O/P with it very well . I played Squibcakes on it a month ago.  Fires on Maui have killed gigs and I need money Been playing for 60+ yrs  Time to trim WAAY down on equipment. I will include a non-original plastic cap that I modified to fit  THIS PLAYS  WAAAY BETTER THAN NEWER ONES WITH THE DUMB TIP BAFFLE