X-Line Pressure Perfect (Medium Size)

Originally designed to reduce forefoot pressures in the high risk foot, this innovative insole is gaining popularity in the racquet sports, walking, hiking and multi-directional sports.

X-Line DJD (Large Size)

Underneath the insole is a ‘rocker’ which will help move your foot from stance phase (when you’re fully weightbearing) to toe-off. The 1st joint area has a recess or dip. This feature allows the 1st joint to ‘drop’ slightly which again allows a more efficient gait by assisting the joint into the toe off stage.

X-Line TPD Insoles (Extra Large Size)

The TPD insole is an orthotic device designed for Tibialis Posterior Dysfunction, a condition that can cause rapidly developing flat feet and pain on the inside of ankle, arch and/or shin. Also very helpful orthotic device for other symptoms related to a lot of foot flattening on standing.