Custom Gibson EB-3 Wiring Harness. This is a completely different variation of the wiring giving more ways to adjust your tone .

3 way Toggle switch

Bourns A500k master volume with adjustable treble bleed this let's you control the amount of treble that comes through as you turn your volume down.

Bourns B250k no load pot for the Varitone volume control,  when the pot is all the way up the whole tone circuit is cut out of the signal.

6 way Varitone settings are

1 .047 capacitor without the audio transformer this gives you a standard tone control , settings 2-6 run through a 3.75H audio transformer

2 Midrange boost

3 high cut

4 Mid scoop

5 .068

6 .22  

Last pot in the circuit is a Bourns 1meg for bass cut this helps clean up the Mudbucker , you can also use the bass cut with the Varitone settings.

All items are made to order , 5 business day Handing time.

All items come with instructions