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Dear customers, due to many inquiries, we would also like to make it possible for you to have your watches and jewelery items refurbished, cleaned and overhauled directly by our watchmaking team.

Our watchmaking team has over 20 years of experience in repairing high-quality luxury watches and can carry out all repairs cost-effectively and with high quality. Access to original spare parts from all manufacturers is guaranteed.

A repair is offered here.

Your watch will be completely disassembled and all parts will be cleaned individually. Your watch will then be reassembled, oiled and adjusted. In the last step, we check the water resistance of your watch. The water tightness test is already included in the price.

All prices assume that no spare parts are required. If parts are needed or the watch is not waterproof, we will give you a quote and you decide what needs to be done. There are no additional costs without your consent. You then decide what to do and what not.

Processing and procedure:

You buy the offer and pay for the repair via Paypal or bank transfer.
You send us the watch. If you have chosen the wrong product, we will make you a cost estimate and offset the additional costs. If this duration differs due to additional repairs communicated in the estimate, our watchmaker will inform you of this when the estimate is given.

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Your watch will be completely disassembled and all parts will be cleaned individually. Your watch will then be reassembled, oiled and adjusted. In the last step, we check the water resistance of your watch. The water tightness test is already included in the price. All prices assume that no spare parts are required. If parts are needed or the watch is not waterproof, we will give you a quote and you decide what needs to be done. There are no additional costs without your consent. You then decide what to do and what not. You send us the watch. If you have chosen the wrong product, we will make you a cost estimate and offset the additional costs. If this duration differs due to additional repairs communicated in the estimate, our watchmaker will inform you of this when the estimate is given.
Your watch will be completely disassembled and all parts will be cleaned individually. Your watch will then be reassembled, oiled and adjusted. In the last step, we check the water resistance of your watch. The water tightness test is already included in the price. All prices assume that no spare parts are required. If parts are needed or the watch is not waterproof, we will give you a quote and you decide what needs to be done. There are no additional costs without your consent. You then decide what to do and what not. You send us the watch. If you have chosen the wrong product, we will make you a cost estimate and offset the additional costs. If this duration differs due to additional repairs communicated in the estimate, our watchmaker will inform you of this when the estimate is given.
Your watch will be completely disassembled and all parts will be cleaned individually. Your watch will then be reassembled, oiled and adjusted. In the last step, we check the water resistance of your watch. The water tightness test is already included in the price. All prices assume that no spare parts are required. If parts are needed or the watch is not waterproof, we will give you a quote and you decide what needs to be done. There are no additional costs without your consent. You then decide what to do and what not. You send us the watch. If you have chosen the wrong product, we will make you a cost estimate and offset the additional costs. If this duration differs due to additional repairs communicated in the estimate, our watchmaker will inform you of this when the estimate is given.
Your watch will be completely disassembled and all parts will be cleaned individually. Your watch will then be reassembled, oiled and adjusted. In the last step, we check the water resistance of your watch. The water tightness test is already included in the price. All prices assume that no spare parts are required. If parts are needed or the watch is not waterproof, we will give you a quote and you decide what needs to be done. There are no additional costs without your consent. You then decide what to do and what not. You send us the watch. If you have chosen the wrong product, we will make you a cost estimate and offset the additional costs. If this duration differs due to additional repairs communicated in the estimate, our watchmaker will inform you of this when the estimate is given.