Boston Evening Transcript April 23 1862 - The Transcript was always filled with important political and war news from every front- DECLARED FREE- MAJOR GENERAL HUNTER HAS ISSUED THE FOLLOWING ORDER WITH REFERENCE TO A PORTION OF THE "CONTRABANDS" WITHIN HIS JURISDICTION, ALL PERSONS OF COLOR LATELY HELD IN THE INVOLUNTARY SERVICE BY ENEMIES OF THE UNITED STATES IN FORT PULASKI ARE DECLARED FREE...As soon as he was able to inspect his new command at the beginning of April, Hunter wrote Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton requesting more troops to cover the scattered posts under his control. He asked Stanton for “authority to arm such loyal men as I can find in the country.” Since the area in which he was operating did not have many loyal white men, Hunter was clearly referring to Blacks.6 Stanton did reply. Meanwhile, Hunter’s troops captured Fort Pulaski protecting the port of Savannah, Georgia. According to Hunter biographer Edward A. Miller, Jr., on April 13, “Hunter declared all slaves found in Fort Pulaski or on its surrounding island free and said that they ‘shall hereafter receive the fruits of their own labor.’ The declaration drew little or no notice in the North, probably because it affected few blacks and was not recognized to be the important assumption of authority which it was.”7GENERAL DOUBLEDAY ON CONTRABANDS - THE FOLLOWING IS BRIGADIER GENERAL DOUBLEDAY'S LETTER OF INSTRUCTION TO HIS COMMAND ON THE TREATMENT OF CONTRABANDS, SLAVES BUILDING REBEL FORTIFICATIONS, FROM FORTRESS MONROE-MORE REBEL LIES , BY TELEGRAPH FROM WASHINGTON- PRESIDENT LINCOLN'S MESSAGE -THE ARREST OF PIERCE BUTLER- EX SECRETARY CAMERON EXONERATED, GENERAL ROSECRANS COMMAND, FROM PORT ROYAL- FEDERAL TROOPS SURPRISED BY REBELS, BEFORE FORT WRIGHT, Much more, Excellent Editorials, Great ads, very good condition,slight separation,please look at the photos and ask questions, thanks