Per Ebay this is a tangible item and there are no guarantees that Ellie

will reveal herself to you. And I will not be responsible for any actions she does or does not

Meet Ellie is a very strong spiritual women who died Whalen she was 42 years old Ellie communicates to us during a séance telling us that she took her own life she didn’t wanna tell us how her why she basically told us that she had nothing else to live for later on during years we believe that she lost her mother and her and her mother were very good friends whenever we Use her on the Ouija board she’s always talking about her mother how they were best friends and they always did everything together as far as her father she really doesn’t want to talk about him she don’t talk about her sister because she says her sister is the apple of her father eyes and that she could do no wrong she told us after her mother passed away she felt her dad did not feel any sadness and away he was kind of glad that she was gone she could not understand why him and her sister did not mourn or even shed a tear for their mother he told us that her father was very cheap even though he had the money that he wanted her mother to be cremated And she was but she said her mother was not allowed to come back in the house Hr on how to stay in the garage outside and whenever Ellie would go in the garage to sit and talk with her mother and beg her to come back she would get caught by the sister the sister would say something to the dead and she would be punished she said after that years later she couldn’t take the bus anymore and she missed her mom so much that she wanted to join her and she did some of the stuff that she does she’s known to move objects and has appeared as a ghostly humanoid figure on numerous occasions she loves animals and they are drawn to her presents and gets extremely excited when she is active sometimes she does act shy around men until she feels comfortable and learns to trust them I got her from my Late cousin Phillp Who was into haunted vessel items for over 60 years he had over 200 haunted vessel dolls and when he passed away I inherited a lot of them because I understood them and I knew a story about each and every one of them when I would go over there he would introduce me to them somewhere good somewhere bad and he always told me the story on each of them Ellie came from Salisbury Maryland I have had her now for over 12 years someday she does not wanna be bothered you could tell right away and I would put her on the shelf by herself if you don’t she likes to aggravate your other vessels you will hear her every now and then just sit and cry there’s a lot more that she does too much to tell you I suggest she goes to someone who has other haunted vessel items like I said she works very well on the Ouija board and also the spirit box

She also has an ore around her at all times if you look at her pictures you can see it