Treat your furry friend to a delicious and varied meal with this Cesar Canine Cuisine Wet Dog Food Variety Pack. With 36 trays that offer six different flavors, your dog is sure to find a new favorite. Each tray contains 3.5 oz of high-quality wet food made specifically for dogs, ensuring that your pet receives a balanced and nutritious diet. The pack features Cesar as the brand and wet food as the type, ideal for dogs who prefer moist meals. The pack also falls under the categories of Dog Food, Dog Supplies, and Pet Supplies, making it a versatile and useful purchase for any pet owner. Give your canine companion the gift of delicious and healthy food with this Cesar Canine Cuisine Wet Dog Food Variety Pack.

Filet Mignon, Grilled Chicken, Porterhouse Steak, Beef Stew, Slow Cooked Chicken & Vegetables in Sauce, Pot Roast with Spring Vegetables in Sauce.
Expires 08/2025