TITAN: The Fighting Fantasy World

TITAN: The Fighting Fantasy World


TITAN: The Fighting Fantasy World is the definitive guide to the realms of the acclaimed Fighting Fantasy series by Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone. Edited by Marc Gascoigne, this comprehensive volume dives into the turbulent history of the planet of Titan, detailing its creation, early civilizations, and the cataclysmic War of the Wizards. It covers the three main continents — Allansia, Khakabad, and Khul — and introduces the gods, deities, demons, and the various forces and races of Good and Evil. Additionally, it expands on the creatures found in "OUT OF THE PIT," including a look at The Underwater Kingdoms and The Titan calendar. This book is an essential tome for any adventurer wanting to delve deeper into the background lore of the Fighting Fantasy world.



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