All the excitement and fun of Christmas is brilliantly portrayed on this CD of stories and song, full of the joy and spirit of the festive season.

From the much-loved Eloise at Christmastime brilliantly told by actress Sophie Lee to the rollicking Crisis on Christmas Eve humorously read by Mark Mitchell, children will love this special collection.

Join Kym Lardner and friends telling a beautiful version of the traditional Christmas nativity story and actor Jane Clifton as she sings A Bellbird in a Flame Tree: The Twelve Days of Christmas. Christmas Stories for Kids is brimming with the happiness of this special season.

1. Eloise at Christmastime by Kay Thompson. Used by kind permission of Laurence Pollinger.
2. Crisis on Christmas Eve by Roland Harvey and Scott Riddle.
3. Christmas Nativity Story. Adaptation by Kym Lardner.
4. A Bellbird in a Flame Tree: The Twelve Days of Christmas © Kilmeny Niland.