Condition-Used Good

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This product is a United States 2 cent stamp featuring Friedrich Steuben, issued in 1990 as part of the "Americas Patriotic Heroes" series. It was cancelled on the first day of issue and is being sold as a used item without certification. The stamp is part of a First Day Cover (FDC) and has a multi-color design.

Friedrich Steuben

Led Troops Against British at Monmouth June 28, 1778

F riedrich Steuben (1730-1794) was indis- pensable to the American victory in the Revolution. A Prussian officer who volun- teered his services to the patriots, he built the ragtag Continental Army into a disciplined fight- ing force. He also demonstrated his procedures on the field, commanding troops at the battles of Mon- mouth and Yorktown.

Steuben joined Washington in February 23, 1778, during the bitter winter encampment at Valley Forge. Placed in charge of training troops, he began at once to form a model drill company, instruct the officers, and teach the basics of military disciplines. Helped by translators, he set his ideas down in a manual, Regulations for the Order and Discipline of the Troops of the United States, which was widely used. Thanks to his efforts, the Americans left Valley Forge almost as skilled in battle as the formidable British Redcoats.

Serving as an intelligence officer on Washington's Postal Commemorative Society

staff, Steuben was with the Continental Army as it stalked the British across New Jersey in June. He reconnoitered the enemy's position and, when the two armies met at Monmouth Courthouse, proved the value of his teaching. Seeing the disastrous retreat of General Charles Lee's men in the heat of the battle, he immediately stepped in and took command. He led the men back into battle and contributed importantly to achieving a draw against superior Redcoat forces.

In addition to training troops, Steuben took on the duties of inspector general. His property account- ability system helped check the waste of public property that had plagued the Continental Army. Later, he reorganized the southern army and com- manded troops under Lafayette in the decisive American victory at Yorktown.

The 24 Valley Forge Sesquicentennial stamp on this Cover was issued on May 26, 1928. The Cover is postmarked on the anniversary of Steuben's inter- vention in the Battle of Monmouth.