I bought this classic turntable in about 1980 and have always looked after it carefully, but I've used it less and less so the time has come to pass it on. If you're bidding for this I expect you'll know its pedigree and basic features so I'll let the AI description below waste it's time describing those. I should say that almost everything is in great condition, including the timing belt, but the sponge rubber backing to the felt turntable mat, being old, has hardened and cracked so should be replaced. That doesn't affect the sound as far as I can hear though. I don't recall what type the cartridge is, but a record shop owner did look at it through a magnifying glass and said it was in fine condition.

And now for the A! description:

Introducing the Rega Planar 2 Turntable, a sleek and stylish addition to your home audio setup. Featuring belt drive and speed settings for both 45RPM and 33.3RPM, this turntable delivers high-quality sound that will bring your vinyl collection to life. With stereo L/R RCA audio outputs, you can easily connect to your amplifier or other audio equipment. Designed by Rega, a leading brand in the Hi-Fi industry, etc etc etc you get the picture (that was me).