I am selling this for a client. My client inherited this item and does not want it in her possession. She is not a fan of this sort of stuff and wants to get rid of it. I am in the business of selling unique items such as this along with other oddities and have somewhat of a minor reputation for being able to move these things and completely detach them from individuals. I always partner with a psychic friend who has been in the business for decades and do as he instructs when it comes to these matters. Occasionally he is able to give me a bit of info on them, such is the case with this particular subject. First, let me say that neither myself nor him are responsible for anything that you may or may not experience including but not limited to harm. I make no guarantees with this item as I've found doing so is impossible with things of this nature. Per Ebay policy, I am required to state that this is sold as a "novelty" only. As with any items such as this, please purchase at your own risk.

My client, let’s call her Rachel, recently inherited her aunt’s estate in Southern Louisiana. For the sake of anonymity, and at her request, I will not name the exact location. From the photos I saw, it appeared to be an older plantation-style home.

Rachel called me last week and asked if I could help her. She had got my number from a mutual friend who I was able to help many years ago. Since I had family in the area, I figured it would be a good trip to make.

Upon arriving at Rachel’s home, I was greeted and asked to sit while she showed me pics of her aunt, her aunt’s estate, and certain items from the estate. Her aunt had passed of natural causes and being the only living relative, Rachel was awarded the entire estate. Since the house was old and in dire need of many repairs, Rachel decided to sell it.

She went to work cleaning out the house, starting from the bottom and working her way up. The very last place on her list to be cleaned was the attic.

Rachel explained to me that she wanted to take a few pieces of furniture and any family heirlooms for herself, which is understandable. While she had no fond memories or attachment to the house itself, she did want to keep family photos and items of such nature.

She told me that upon entering the attic, she noticed it was sparse and dusty. One thing that stuck out was a wooden trunk. She described it as the type you would see in the old days that people would take on ships for travel. The wood was old and worn. There were leather straps across the front and the trunk was locked

Rachel examined the rusty padlock in her hands and twisted it in an attempt to see if there was anything on the back. Much to her surprise, it snapped and fell off.

At this point she stopped the story to explain to me again how old and rusted the lock was. I listened and asked her if she happened to look inside the trunk.

After opening the trunk, she found a yellowed (once white) child’s dress with a doll wrapped inside. There were no notes or anything to indicate who it may have belonged to. She did mention that the doll was folded within the dress in a caring manner.

Rachel sold the trunk and threw the dress away. She kept the doll however, because she thought it had character. It appeared to be somewhat old and had one shoe missing with the other being very worn looking in appearance.

After she brought the doll home, she put it in her office and went about the business of selling and settling the estate. She recounts no strange events during that timeframe. She tells me that nothing happened until the estate was sold, and then things started happening almost immediately.

Rachel would notice the doll changing positions on the shelf. She would place it facing her desk, and the next day, the doll would be facing the opposite direction. After three times of adjusting it, she gave up and moves the doll to her guest room.

According to her, the doll did not enjoy being in the guest room at all. She woke up one morning to find that the doll had been completely removed from her guest room. She found it on the foot of her stairs. The doll would be on the floor of the room at times, and sometimes would be out of the room altogether.

Rachel was raised Baptist and did not believe in these types of things. However, after all of this, she decided that something wasn’t right with this doll. Soon after, she started asking around and found a mutual friend of ours who put her in touch with me.

That’s pretty much it. I took possession of the doll and brought it home. The first night I was home, I was too tired and put the doll on my dining room table. The next morning the doll had moved to the couch in another room. I’m positive that I put it in the dining room!

I took this item to see a friend of mine who is a psychic/medium and asked him to take a look at it. He said he could sense the presence of a child associated with the doll.

I took the doll to my office and put it in a cage that I keep specifically for these sort of items. I called Rachel right away and let her know what my psychic friend had told me. I asked her if she knew anything about it and what she told me shocked me.

Rachel told me that years ago her aunt had a daughter by the name of Coralyn. She vaguely remembered playing with her when they were around 4 or 5. Coralyn would drown in a pond that was once on the estate when she was around 8 and her aunt and uncle never had any other children.

I thanked her and hung up. I called my psychic friend and asked him if this was possible. He agreed it was possible but that he couldn’t get a read on who the spirit was so he couldn’t be sure.

I personally believe it to be her spirit. Why else would the doll be wrapped in a child’s dress in the trunk in the aunt’s attic?? I can’t be sure though. It’s not my job to solve these mysteries. My only job in the matter is to pass them on.

That’s about all that I have. If you choose to take possession of this doll, it will belong to you. This includes whatever spirit may inhabit it. I do not know anything else nor can I be of any further assistance. I cannot put you in touch with the family , as Rachel has requested no further contact. You will be on your own if you try to solve this mystery.

Once again, buyer beware! While these items sometimes seem harmless, more often than not, it’s not the case. Once you purchase it, whatever you decide to do with it becomes your business. I do not know what, if anything, will happen once it is in your possession. All sales are final. Please buy with caution and if you do purchase it, please give it a loving home. Thanks for reading.