Shack clearance leftovers.

Stuff left over after I had sold all of my rigs.

Shure 5155A microphone with 5k/600 matching transformer
5 way antenna switch
Straight key
4 @ PL259 new in original packing
5 @ PL259 on 3 short cables
5 @ NOS ? valves - 6U8A/6AX8/6KD8, 12AT7, 6BE6, 6AK5, 6BA6
10 @ Ceramic wire antenna insulators
4 @ RF Milliamp meters
50 volt capacitors - 4@1uf, 2@4.7uf, 3@10uf, 1@22uf
3 @ 5 pin DIN plugs
3 @ adaptors
1 @ small torroid