Per Ebay this is a tangible item and there are no guarantees that NELL will reveal her self to you. And I will not be responsible for any actions she dose

Meet NELL, she came to me when I was at a tradeshow in Alabama the first thing I noticed from her right away was the sadness feeling in the warm when I was around her after staring at her for a while I felt a little movement in her legs and I knew I had to add her to my collection it was around three weeks after I purchased her I went ahead and put her on the rods along with the Ouija board from the first night that I had her in my home I was hearing like sadness someone crying I have over 35 haunted vessel Dolls and I knew this was a new sound so I knew it was coming from her every time when I came close to her it automatically stopped so then I knew I needed to put her on the Ouija board or the energy rods what I got from her so far she was in her late 20s when she passed couldn’t figure out how to pass but it had to do with something with an accident she told us that she was an only child and that she was born in Maryland she said that when she passed it broke her mom and dad‘s heart they had her when they were older and she was a miracle child to begin with she said for the longest time she did go back to her house after she passed and she tried her hardest to let her parents know that she is there with them always but the heartache was too much for the parents they started fighting against each other blaming each other for Nell Death and Nell told us she couldn’t stand to watch them fight like that that the living home that she had once before was so cold and brutal and she wanted to get out of there as soon as possible so she said her spirit left that house and she wanted to try to find something a loving home she missed a loving family but she wanted something to go into that she would be noticeable even played with and that’s when she came up with this vessel she told us it took her a while to find this vessel and she did she said that she was bought at some kind of sale and the lady had two children with her NELL said she did everything she possibly can to get the ladies attention because she just knew that this was a family she would love to be with and they did end up buying her she told us at first the little girl would constantly play with her fix her hair up but that only lasted for about two weeks and then she was pushed aside she ended up in a box in a closet and she don’t know how she ended up at this convention where I purchased her I have had her now for over five years she really didn’t tell us what she used to do for a living but my husband swears it has to do with something with the coffee shop in the morning you would smell coffee in our house the problem is me and my husband we don’t drink coffee NELL loves a family someone that will talk with her someone that will show her attention you don’t have to have children even though she loves children she’s a big animal lover especially birds she loves to be sitting by a window especially if it’s open whenever she feels like she’s not getting attention she will let you know you’ll start smelling coffee all day long also you will hear her cry and her moan in the night time she will also do it during the day but the night time is the loudest she does like turning things on and off she does great with other haunted vessels it’s Jess I do not recommend you putting her by the bad ones she is very sweet just someone who’s looking for a loving family and to include her in it if you think you could give her this family please bid on her the only reason she is leaving my home is me and my husband were at retirement age I had over 85 haunted vessels I am down to 35 and we want to travel and I will not leave my vessels with anyone or alone in my home if you would like to know more about her Please let me know she’s 15 inches tall 5 1/2 inches wide she has a beautiful velvet green dress the most sweetest bluish gray eyes long blonde curly hair just a sweetheart someone who’s looking to be loved