This gorgeous soft-focused ethereal print features “Gina”, one of Sara Moon’s models in his work. It will come as something of a surprise to many, when they first learn that ‘Sara Moon’ is the professional pseudonym of the Iranian born, German National male – Bijan Djamalzadeh.

Using the pseudonym Sara Moon, Bijan produced about 16 original portraitures under Red Baron Publishing in Los Angeles, CA.

“Gina” was one of the last pieces produced for Red Baron and the last for a number of years since Bijan went into seclusion.

Though Bijan owned his original artworks, they were stored in LA and feared lost when Red Baron Publishing was consumed by fire and ceased trading in the early 1980s. Until recent years, two originals were found.

This piece is from the time it was originally produced. The frame alone deserves a moment! Let’s talk about this frame! This frame appears to be Boho-inspired, original to the late 70s. The weaving is a natural wood. For the life of me I cannot find anything like it to compare! It’s very light as if maybe balsa wood is this backing. The picture itself in the center is framed and then surrounded by the weaving.

The print measures 16” by 20”. The full frame measures 25” by 29.5”. The tape over the hanger is there to protect the wall, I believe. I did not want to alter anything. This print doesn’t have any spots or signs of water/smoke damage. It appears to be well taken care of. She is beautiful!