Fighting Fantasy Collection

Fighting Fantasy Collection

Collection Summary:

This collection of Fighting Fantasy gamebooks by Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone offers a thrilling blend of adventure and fantasy. Each book is a standalone adventure where you, the reader, are the hero. You decide your path, solve puzzles, and combat foes. This set contains several iconic books, each offering a unique fantasy experience.

Box Condition:

Book Conditions:

Edition Information:

Save on shipping: If the total weight is under 1kg, shipping costs will only increase by 1 to 2€ per 100g. If you prefer, I can hold off on shipping the books until you've gathered a few more – just message me after your purchase. This should be sufficient for approximately 5-6 Fighting Fantasy books.

Undecided about purchasing this collection? Simply add it to your watch list, and who knows? I might make you an offer that's hard to resist. (Of course, you're still in control, but this deal might sway you ;))