Discover the world of wood carving with this instructional book, Wood Carving With Power Tools by Ralph Byers. Learn the art of creating intricate designs and shapes on wood using power tools in this nonfiction book from the Arts and Crafts Series. The book features a dust jacket and is illustrated with step-by-step instructions for beginners and advanced carvers alike. The first edition of this book was published in 1965, with a 2nd printing in the same year. It is written in English and intended for adults who are interested in the arts and crafts genre. The book is in hardcover format, published by Chilton Books in the United States. Join the many enthusiasts of this amazing art form and explore the exciting world of wood carving.


Wood Carving with Power Tools


Ralph E Byers


Chilton Company

ISBN Number


Edition / Date

2nd Edition /1965


10.5  x 7.5 x 1 inches 


1 Pound, 12 Ounces
