My Grandfather who was born in 1881 made a collection of prints from the London Illustrated News and other publications featuring Native Americans and bound them together in a book. I should imagine he did this as a teenager making them  over 100 years old

This auction is for one page which features an illustration entitled 'Afraid of Eagle' The famous Sioux Indian Chief 
It measures approx 21 cm by 12.5 cm and is mounted on a larger piece of paper as shown
In the bottom right hand side of the print is a signature which looks like Swaine but google tells me the original photo was taken in 1899 when Frank A Rinehart was asked to take pictures of the attendees of the 1898 Indian Congress, part of the Trans Mississippi International Exposition. More than 500 Native Americans from 35 tribes attended

On the same page he has got what he describes as an Indian Hunter and an Indian chief 'Tattoo Marks'. 

Please note, I have shown the whole book in the last 2 photos for context but the auction is for just one page