Will combine shipping on all orders, just note that once you buy something with calculated shipping. Of course this means the heavier the package in the end, the more it will cost, however no matter how many items you buy, you will only get charged a single fee in the end for it all, not per listing.

If you would like to purchase something now, before it sells and you can't afford it yet, no problem!
I will allow you time to pay for items, if it's going to be more then 4-5 days, I would just like a heads up.

I take package safety seriously, with paper items, they will always be weather protected, which will either be in sleeve with an adhesive seal in Canada, or Internationally it will be in a poly mailer, with an adhesive seal.
I also add enough cardboard to paper items to ensure they don't bend in transit.

Everything else is packed to not be damaged as well.

As for the shipping price, I do apologize if it's high depending on what the items are, but Canada Post makes the rates.

Take your time and look around in my store if I have 1 type of item, there will almost always be more.